My website is protected by Digimarc, a company that embeds a copyright mark in one's work and tracks your images should they appear on the web. It does give one a certain sense of security. Having said that, I also think that my images my be in danger of being stolen. If you haven't signed up for one of the services that show you the activity on your website, I suggest that you do that. You will find out what times of day the site is visited each day, which countries viewers are from, and other interesting tidbits, but the unnerving part is seeing how long people are on your site. Most are on sites for less than a minute and others are on for 10, 15+ minutes. The unnerving info is seeing that someone has been on for an hour or more. Personally, being on someone's site from a minute to 15 minutes seems reasonable. At this point, my site has been visited for more than an hour a couple of times. I can only assume that people are helping themselves to some of my images. None have been picked up by Digimarc at this time. Perhaps, the images are being used in other ways. I would be very interested to hear if anyone has experienced the same thing, has comments, or has suggestions as to how to deal with this.
Drive Thru' #4. Vienna Mae
12 years ago
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