Into the light and out of the darkness. What seemed like it would last forever has now come to an end. I have finally broken through my creative block. You have no idea what a relief that is. It's a bit like the feeling that we get when the first signs of Spring appear or when the sun comes out after a long period of gray days.
Being out of practice for the way that I create my work has a good and bad side to it. The bad is that it takes longer to figure out what works best for my setups. The good is that these are the times when it's easier to experiment and when wonderful accidents happen.
During the period while I was having my creative block, I was not liking a lot of the work that I had created. It was an awful feeling. It's one thing to get bored with one's work but not to like it is another. Relief, relief! Because I haven't looked at a lot of my work for awhile, I can be so much more objective about them. This is definitely a good thing.