Gallery Night/Day had a large turnout both Friday night and Saturday during the day. I think that people know that soon the weather will change and we all want to get out and about before hand. The CoPA Juried Show came to an end this weekend. It was well received. I was quite pleased to be in it as the juror, George Slade, didn't seem like his interests included the type of work that I do. And from all of the other work that was picked, I am still surprised.
I had some of my new work at the VP Gallery. Some of our LUMA Collective members showed work across the hall from VP. The new work that William Mueller showed was terrific. He's come up with a technique that makes the images look more like illustrations in a bronze tone. Can't wait to see more! Jana McLaughlin also devised a new way to show her pieces...I love the way they turned out...textured paper but it was they framing that I liked the best. Sylke Vonk's triptych of her son and windmill is definitely a winner. Mark Stall had his photos from Panama, Jeff Weber had his river reflections, and Eddee Daniels brought his ecology images. To add to that, Eddee had his new book and John Ruebartsch brought his books, as he is currently working on a documentary as well as a new book. What I love about our group is that everyone does such diverse work.
Our new project, LUMA Gallery, seems to have hit a few snags and may take a new direction. We meet in a week to discuss which direction we will go. Personally, I hope that we take the less structured, more fun way of using our new space. Will keep you posted.
Drive Thru' #4. Vienna Mae
12 years ago